Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dinosaur World

"I'm so scared"
Oh know it is going to get me!

Maybe if I stand here and scream it will go away! There was lots of fun screaming along the way. She was making other people laugh at how funny she was about seeing the dinosaurs! It was very entertaining, and comical!!

We had so much fun the first time through we had to go a second time. Daddy did a good job of keeping us all cool in the summer heat with his cool wet towel!! I had to buy her the pink dinosaur shirt it says I love dinosaurs!

Brinlee never falls asleep in the car, but today was an exception. She crashed a few minutes after we left and got a nice nap in the car.

Today we decided to take a ride to a place called Glen Rose, Texas to visit Dinosaur World. It was fun to have a day all about Brinlee and her love for Dinosaurs. It was also fun to have daddy with us to share this fun experience. Brinlee was so animated and loved everything. We took lots of pictures to make a fun photo album of her and the dinosaurs.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What have we been up to????

Look at her crazy hair and sweet smile!! I just LOVE it!
Daddy and Ninlee watching dinosuar's while Mommy is running 13 miles. Which would you prefer??????

Ninlee and Damon at the Heard Museum watching what else.... Dinosaurs! Ninlee could have stayed there all day. She was scared, but he big brother is alway's there to protect her :-)

Running thru the tunnel "scared"

It has been a while since I last posted. We have pretty much been hibernating in the house or at the swimming pool to try and escape the summer time heat. I am still going strong training for my marathon in October. It is a lot of running, but will be worth it in the end. I run 4 days a week and cross train 1 day. Saturday's are my long runs. Ryan has been great giving up playing basketball Saturday mornings so I can train. I am also thankful for my training partner who makes it easier to get up and go run for 2+ hours every Saturday morning. Alex and Austyn are training hard for Football. It is definitely "Friday Night Lights in Texas" the schools are crazy out here and work the boy's hard. They are having fun and look forward to starting to play soon. It has been fun to watch them grow and develop their talent of football. Damon has been Brinlee's little buddy this summer. They hang out everyday and love playing together. He is growing up and will be in the 5th grade this year!