Sunday, November 16, 2008

I have been tagged

Ok so now two peolpe have tagged me, so here ya go Julie and Patience :-)

6 Quirky Facts about Me

1. I am a return Queen, and will return anything. The stores don't have the saying satisfaction guarnteed for nothing.

2. I don't like chocolate and LOVE "kid" candy. Nerds, Airhead Extremes, Smarties, Suckers, pretty much anything that is pure sugar.

3. I don't like to watch movies and when I do I fall asleep.

4. I would rather workout than go shopping.

5. I don't like to stay up late and I am usually in bed by 9:00 every night.

6. I really hate to get wet unless I am taking a shower, or in a swimming suit.

I tag Crystal, Deana and Cambree


Julie said...

you and Tiff need to get together she also returns everything...even a swimming pool that she didn't drain all of the water out of!
And when did you stop liking chocolate??

Ashley said...

That's a funny tag. I should call you when I want to return something. I hate returning things! I miss you so much. I can't stand it that I haven't seen you in so long! I'm having a baby shower Jan. 10th and I really want you to come! When your life isn't so crazy give me a call and we'll chat!

Roney Family said...

You are awesome, thanks for putting those up, I am the same about falling asleep. Hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

Christina Brinkworth said...

Hey Dorothy, I just wanted to say Happy Birthday and I was thinking about you. Sorry this message is late and I hope you see it soon!! I love you and love reading your blog!!