Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I got tagged, so here goes....

5 Things I was doing 10 years ago
1. I was a newly wed
2. I left Utah and moved to Twin Falls, Idaho
3. I was managing a 42 unit apartment complex
4. I played a lot!! I had no kids and no worries I was young :-)
5. hmmm... I don't know

5 Things on my to do list
1. Finish cleaning the house
2. Workout
3. Pack for Las Vegas trip
4. Go to the outlet mall (tomorrow with Ashley yeah!)
5. Pick up Damon from school

5 Favorite Snacks
1. Jr. Mints
2. Freeze Dried Apples from Costco
3. Starburst
4. Frozen Twinkies
5. Popsicles

5 Things I would do if I were a Billionaire
1. Hire a full time cook to cook healthy and tasty (I am not sure if that is possible)
2. Help my family
3. Buy a Ranch and build a group home for foster children
4. Go Shopping and not look at the price tag!
5. Build a cabin with a boat dock, and of course buy a very nice boat!

5 Bad Habits
1. Can I just say Craigslist.......
2. I love junk food!
3. When Ryan is out of town I wait until the last minute to clean the house... you would think I would want to have it clean all week, but Brinlee wears me out! I can't keep up with her messes.
4. I am late or barely on time to just about everything
5. I am blunt, and say what is on my mind...I must say I think I am getting better though :-)

5 Places I have lived
1. West Jordan, Utah
2. Kearns, Utah
3. Twin Falls, Idaho
4. New Port Richie, Florida
5. McKinney, Texas and LOVE it!!!

5 People I tag
1. Nobody... pretty much everyone has done it


Ashley said...

I am so happy that you did the tag! We had so much fun with you and Brinlee today! Have fun in Vegas and Happy Mother's Day! Talk to you next week!

Ashley said...

We had a ton of fun today! It's always a good time hanging with you guys! By the way your blog looks way cute. How did you make it look so good?!? :)