Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Washington DC Trip

Ryan needed to take some time off from work and we decided to head to Virginia to visit Ryan's brother Greg and his family. We had a great time visiting and site seeing. Brinlee enjoyed her cousin's and had so much fun jumping on the trampoline. Here are a few highlights from are trip.

On our way... Brinlee was so good!
Waiting in line Saturday morning to see Night at the Smithsonian on the Imax where it was filmed! We all had a great time.

Ryan and Greg at Gettysburg

Ryan and I at Gettysburg. It was a neat place to visit and gave me a greater appreciation of the freedom that we enjoy.

Ryan and I at Mt Vernon

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Let the training begin.....

The results are in and YES my team won the lottery to run the St.George Marathon in October!! I have alway's wanted to run a marathon as one of my things to do before I was 30 and let's just say that did not happen, but hey it is never too late! Since running the half marathon in February running has got into my blood and I am actually enjoying it. I loved the adreneline rush I got from finishing the race and had plenty of extra energy afterwards that I did not give it a second thought to register for the St. George marathon. The St. George marathon is supposed to be one of the best and out of 10510 people that registered to run they only allow 7200, so I feel pretty lucky to be running in it. I am excited to start training and look forward to accomplishing my personal goal of finishing a marathon!! Wish me luck!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


She thinks it is so fun to play car's in Mommy's tub, and I love that she is staying out of trouble!
Showing off her pig tails

Smile Brinlee "do I have to"?

Ok Cheese!!

I had no idea Brinlee's hair was long enough for pig tails because her hair is so curly. I don't do it very often because I love her sweet riglet curls. She is so grown up and is so much fun to have in our home. She talks all the time and says the funniest things. She is now into feelings and I love to watch her express them. She is "scared" of dinosaur's and the "giant" that Damon told her about. It is funny to hear her talk about them. She has to whisper, so they don't hear her and find her. We go on a dinosaur hunt almost everyday. Today at play group she loved the park, because it had a dinosaur that she could ride on. She was not scared of it which was funny to me. I guess she is just afraid of the ones she can't see. I am so in love with being a mommy and I am so thankful to have Brinlee in my life!!